15-Jun-2018 to 15-Jun-2018
Gurgaon, Haryana
For the past two years, PRIA in collaboration with Martha Farrell Foundation, with the support of Embassy of Netherlands in India, have been working with domestic workers in Gurgaon, Faridabad and South Delhi to collectivize them and build their capacities around the issue of sexual harassment at workplace. We have also been focusing on strengthening redressal mechanisms and preventive measures, by working closely with District Administration, unions and civil society organizations to raise awareness and mainstream the issues of sexual harassment of domestic workers.

On Friday, 15th June, 2018, the eve of International Domestic Workers’ Day (IDWD), PRIA, MFF and Sukhmanch Theatre Group joined forces to organize a street play on the rights of domestic workers at Huda Metro Station, Gurgaon. The international call for IDWD this year was to ‘Stop Gender-based Violence – Equal Rights, Respect and Justice for Domestic Workers’. In support of the international call for action, the street play was aimed at sensitizing employers, youth and communities about the rights of domestic workers and to come in support of the call. The street play also emphasized on the importance of a safe and dignified workplace for domestic workers, which is free of abuse and violence.

The street play was followed by a short discussion with the audience, during which someone said, “It all begins at our homes, with our individual efforts. The rights of the domestic workers cannot be realized until and unless, we, as employers and citizens, take responsibility of their safety and wellbeing within our own homes and communities.