30-Oct-2017 to 30-Oct-2017
Ajmer, Rajasthan

Over the past 18 months, Settlement Improvement Committees (SICs) in Ajmer have been active in pursuing sanitation issues in their respective settlements. SICs are representative bodies established with nominated residents of the informal settlement community. SICs act as bridge between the service providers and the community. They are acting as  focal points through which external stakeholders can connect with the communities in informal settlements.

Mobilization of the community around their issues and concerns has motivated SICs enough to act in collective way. The feeling of “collective” or “community” efforts even for individual issues is evident in many settlements. The SICs in Ajmer have been using platforms to present their plans and demands to concerned officials, engaging with local authorities and public representatives. These efforts are gaining fruits in terms of increased access to basic services in some settlements.

SIC efforts in individual settlements have many lessons and results that can be scaled up by creating a larger platform. For this, SICs in Ajmer are forming a city-wide network, to be launched on 30 October 2017. The SIC network at city level will facilitate exchange of experiences amongst SIC members from various settlements and help them plan for collective support and bargaining power to initiate dialogue with urban local bodies, administration and other stakeholders, on common issues of the urban poor in Ajmer. It will also help them gain voice in city-level sanitation planning and monitoring processes.

Members from 80 SICs will be attending the launch event. A steering committee of 25 members will be announced on this occasion. SIC members will interact with Dy. Mayor of Ajmer Municipal Corporation, Chairman of Ajmer citizen council, leaders of workers associations, RWA members and members of traders and professional associations as well as Mrs. Anita Bhadel, Minister for Women and Child Development (independent Charge), Government of Rajasthan, who is the chief guest.