27-Feb-2014 to 28-Feb-2014
PRIA, New Delhi
Sub National

As part of the Kadam Badao Campaign, PRIA has organized a two day workshop on Sex and Sexuality for the field animators of the project and PRIA staff on 27 and 28 February 2014. The Kadam Badao campaign works with the youth (both boys and girls) in Haryana to empower them to overcome the cycle of violence, in particular violence against women, that affects their lives. The participatory workshop will help animators build awareness on the linkage between sexuality and violence against women. Identifying the various forms of gender discrimination and understanding the concepts of sex and sexuality in the context of their respective social environments will help them gain insights on how it leads to violence in the lives of young girls and aged women. This consciousness is critical to furthering the reach and impact of the social change spearheaded through this campaign.