08-Nov-2016 to 08-Nov-2016
New Delhi, India

The World Social Science Report 2016: Challenging Inequalities: Pathways to a Just World, co-prepared by International Social Science Council (ISSC) & Institute of Development Studies (IDS), was released at the roundtable "Inequality in Every Life" organised by PRIA and IDS on 8 November 2016. The roundtable marks the beginning of a series of conversations for PRIA@35, which celebrates PRIA completing 35 years.

Speaking on the occasion, Prof. John Gaventa, Research Director, IDS drew our attention to SDG 10, which relates to inequality and pledges that “no one will be left behind”. We cannot deal with any of the other SDGs if we do not heed the critical nature and consequences of inequality, which is a global issue today.

The panellists focused on the rising inequality (not only economic inequality) in India, which is not recognised enough in public policy. Policies in India need to improve fiscal systems, focus on labour reforms for the informal sector, and investments in education and health services. We also need strategies to address asset redistribution, control over natural resources, universal health care to address health inequalities, and decent, dignified work.

There is a fear that inequality is going to get worse. While the future of inequality is unwritten, the World Social Science Report 2016 gives us many ideas and things that have worked in different parts of the world in reducing inequality. It leaves us with hope.

The report is available at: 

Roundtable: Inequality in Everyday Life

 Venue: Seminar Hall-II, India International Centre, New Delhi

Date & Time : 8 November 2016, 3 pm to 5 pm

 Programme Schedule

3:00 pm – 3:10 pm              

Welcome and  Opening Remarks              

-          Dr Rajesh Tandon, Founder-President of PRIA & UNESCO Chair on Community-based Research and Social Responsibility and Higher Education

 3:10 pm – 3:30 pm                Presentation

Challenging Inequalities: Pathways to a Just World

-          Dr Mathieu Denis, Executive Director, International Social Science Council (ISSC)

-          Dr John Gaventa, Research Director; Institute for Development Studies (IDS)

 3.30 pm – 4.10 pm
(10 minutes each)
               Responses from the Panellists

-          Mr Nitin Desai, Chairman; Institute of Economic Growth & Former Under Secretary General, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations

-          Prof Jayati Ghosh, Professor of Economics;   Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, JNU

-          Mr Gautam Mody, General Secretary; New Trade Union Initiative (NTUI)

-          Dr Lucky Singh, Scientist, National Institute of Medical Statistics, (Indian Council of Medical Research)

 4:10 pm – 5:00 pm                Open Discussion and Closing

-          Moderated by Dr Rajesh Tandon