26-Nov-2015 to 27-Nov-2015
Bhubaneshwar, India
Sub National
Five months after the master training of trainers programme held in June 2015, a refresher training was undertaken on 26 and 27 November 2015 in Raipur. Twenty-four master facilitators (7 female and 17 male) from different government departments of the state government participated in the two day refresher training.

PRIA, supported by UNDP, had implemented a participatory training of master trainers in the states of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha in May and June 2015. The master training helped build capacities of specific state level officials to promote and integrate gender in district planning and programme implementation processes. These master trainers learned knowledge and skills on gender responsive budgeting and engendered planning and were sensitized to issues of gender, gender equality, socialization and patriarchy. The pool of master facilitators prepared were expected to capacitate members of Technical Support Groups (TSGs) and others associated with the planning process at district and below levels.

The Odisha government is taking some good steps to promote decentralised planning in the state. Participants shared the progress they have made in using the tools (transect walk, social mapping, resource mapping, etc.) to collect data from the community.  The training focused on refreshing the concepts of “practical and strategic needs” of women, and how these need to be met through specific activities included in a plan document. Group discussions and practical exercises based on their experiences in the field helped reinforce learnings. It is now expected that participants will introduce these learnings in future planning.