26-Feb-2018 to 26-Feb-2018
PRIA, New Delhi

PRIA was founded on the belief that citizens and their associations need to be empowered towards socio-economic development and deepening democracy. Over its 36 years, PRIA has been produced innovative capacity enhancement tools, methods and products that have been extensively utilised in India and beyond.

PRIA has worked in partnership with many organisations to build capacities of civil society organisations. Institute of Development Research (USA), founded by Prof Dave Brown & Ms Jane Covey, along with PRIA offered many such innovative products and services for human and institutional development of governments, students, donors and NGOs, which have been scaled up in India and beyond through a collaborative platform.

On February 26, 2017, we convened a half day interaction to review this history and identify opportunities for the future. Long-term PRIA partners -- RDT, CYSD, SPARC, Unnati, Lok Jagriti Kendra, SSK and IDR -- attended. Each partner shared their journey of building and sustaining civil society organisations (CSOs). Reminiscences of commitment and passion for participatory development led to discussions on the current atmosphere in which CSOs have to undertake their work, and possible areas for collaboration. Some important issues were raised, which included:

Everyone agreed that they are privileged to be able to do their work and be recognised as civil society practitioners. We should not take this privilege for granted.