22-Jun-2018 to 22-Jun-2018
New Delhi, India

As part of its ongoing campaign #DignityOfMyLabour, PRIA in collaboration with Apne Aap Women Worldwide is organising a discussion to build consensus on the rights of domestic workers at Oxford Bookstore on 22nd June between 4.30 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. For all those interested and want to commit to ensuring domestic workers are treated with respect and dignity.

Listen to the experiences of domestic workers who are trying to raise awareness among their employers to respect the work being done by them as a “formal job” with commensurate pay and benefits, and to their right for a safe workplace in our homes. Domestic workers are learning to collectivise to raise these demands, helped by civil society organisations and platforms. Many such platforms are at the forefront in regularising the conditions of work of informal sector workers and establishing adequate state protection and policies for domestic workers. How receptive have state governments and the national government been to these efforts and what is the current status of new policies focused on benefits to domestic workers? Our panelists will share current policies and regulations available for the protection of domestic workers and the stand of the Indian government at an international level on the ILO conventions.

Ms. Khadija, a domestic worker and group leader of Ekta Collective, Harijan Basti, Gurgaon. She has been part of PRIA’s project for the past 18 months and is at the frontline from her community trying to get dignity and recognition for their work.
Mr. Subhash Bhatnagar, Chief Functionary, Nirmana and Convener, National Domestic Workers Platform. For over 30 years, Mr. Bhatnagar has promoted and supported the rights of construction workers and domestic workers.
Mr. Alok Kumar is a trade union activist and independent research scholar. He is also Executive Committee Member, Ghaarelu Kaamgar Union, Gurgaon. 

The discussion will be moderated by Ms Nandita Pradhan Bhatt, Director, Martha Farrell Foundation.