15-Mar-2012 to 15-Mar-2012
New Delhi

The Ministry of Labour and Employment constituted a Task Force on Gender Equality in the World of Work in 2010. The second meeting of this Task Force was held on the 15th of March. During this Task Force, PRIA presented its findings on the follow up to the Supreme Court Directives in the Vishaka case, which were very well received by all present. Centre for Social Research presented its findings of an indicative study on Policy Convergence for Women Workers: A Stock Taking on the Enabling Environment in Uttar Pradesh. ILO’s Gender Specialist, Saadya Hamdani, put forward the work being done under the Equal Remuneration Act.

The Joint Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Employment and Chair of the Task Force on Gender openly stated that the Ministry is ‘not doing enough’ in terms of gender. Resources allocated for research and training often lapse as there is not much research and trainings. More work can be undertaken within the legislative framework. Currently there are only two acts which are women specific – Equal Remuneration Act and Maternity Benefit Act. When the Bill on prevention of sexual harassment is passed that will be the third. One of the biggest stumbling blocks is the absence of gender disaggregated data. There is scope for greater coordination. PRIA remains committed to preventing sexual harassment at the workplace, making it a safe environment for all.