08-Nov-2016 to 08-Nov-2016
PRIA, New Delhi

"True accountability starts with participation, building people's voice", Prof. John Gaventa and Dr. Rajesh Tandon reminded practitioners of participation in the fourth PRIA-logue held in PRIA Conference Hall on 8 November 2016 between 10.00 a.m. and 11.30 a.m. "From Participation to Accountability - Tracing the Roots" was the theme of the discussion during which they spoke about their journey in support of promoting participation and accountability in pursuing the vision of "making democracy work for all", with particular focus on the marginalised and the excluded.

John Gaventa and Rajesh Tandon met nearly 40 years ago, in Ljubljana, (then) Yugoslavia at the first Participatory Research Network conference. One a researcher; the other a practitioner. Participatory research showed them a pathway in their mutual search for collectivistaion of voice, true representation, building institutional capacities to become accountable and citizenship of human beings with rights. At the Highlander Center in USA, they worked with Miles Horton. John Gaventa was in-charge of research at the Centre. Rajesh Tandon was appointed to the first Miles Horton Chair in 1991. They collaborated on the Citizenship DRC project over 10 years.

John Gaventa and Rajesh Tandon continue to believe in the power of participation. Not as a mere tool or methodology, but in the norms of participation, which is not only about who's voice, but the values of those voices; it's not only about who has power, but power for what. Accountability is not only institutional, but societal as well. It is only when the norms of accountability have been internalised, will governance be truly responsive to the people and democracy will be participatory.

About PRIA-logues:

PRIA-logues is a series of conversations to gather the wisdom of those who have long been part of the civil society sector for the next generation of leaders. The conversations are between two longstanding colleagues gazing into the future, reminiscing about high points and low points of their work and how it can guide a future generation of development professionals.

About the Speakers

Professor John Gaventa is a political sociologist, educator and civil society practitioner with over 30 years of experience in research, teaching and facilitation, and organisational leadership in North and South. Currently, he is the Director of Research at the Institute of Development Studies, he previously served as Director of the Coady International Institute and Vice President of International Development at StFX University in Canada (2011-2014). Prior to that, he was a Fellow in the Power, Participation and Social Change team at IDS, and Director of the Development Research Centre on Citizenship, Participation and Accountability, based at IDS.

Dr Rajesh Tandon is an internationally acclaimed civil society leader and practitioner of participatory research and development. He founded the Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), a professional development organisation providing support to grassroots initiatives in South Asia and continues to be its Chief Functionary since 1982. Dr. Tandon is also UNESCO Co-Chair in Community-Based Research and Social Responsibility.