09-Feb-2019 to 09-Feb-2019
PRIA Head Office, Delhi
To commemorate PRIA's birthday celebrations, members from PRIA's past and present came together to enjoy an afternoon of memories, laughter, painting and good conversations. From a selfie booth to formulating complex opinions via artistic expression, it was an afternoon where we not only learnt about PRIA's work in the past and future but more importantly, the stories behind the people who made PRIA what it is now.

There were lively discussions on PRIA's plan for the future, with alumni weighing in on the areas which PRIA could improve upon or take into consideration. This was followed by a hearty lunch where discussions on not just PRIA but personal and professional lives were conducted, as the air was decorated with hearty laughter and serious discussions. And last but not least, there was also cake!

All in all, everybody left PRIA that day with full stomachs and happy memories. It was great to see everybody after so long!