09-Mar-2014 to 09-Mar-2014
Bhagalpur, Bihar
Sub National

As a part of its Pre Election Political Awareness Campaign (PEPAC), PRIA organized a commissionerate level consultation in Bhagalpur, Bihar on 9 March 2014. This consultation was the fourth in the series of such consultations held so far in Bihar. Representatives from various political parties –– JD(U), BJP, AAP and other locally active parties –– academia, urban poor collectives, CSOs, members of the Mahadalit Commission, elected representatives from ULBs, activists and media houses participated. The consultation served as a platform to deliberate and discuss local issues of urban governance and urban poverty. The deliberations concluded with a mutual acceptance that the issues being faced in urban areas is primarily due to lack of political will and the “culture of silence” of urban voters. All concerned agreed that with the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections there is an urgent need for the urban voter to be active and demand urban governance for all.