13-Feb-2012 to 13-Feb-2012
Chotu Ram Dharamshala, Sonipat, Haryana
Sub National

PRIA has launched a project to address violence against dalit women in Haryana with support from the Asia Foundation. The project aims to strengthen responsiveness and accountability of local governments in addressing the neglected issue of perpetual violence against dalit women. The initiative also aims to strengthen the constructive engagement of civil society organizations with local governance institutions to create a local support system and accountability seekers for this issue.

To ensure effective implementation of various constitutional provisions, the Haryana Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 provides for formation of standing committees at all three levels of panchayati raj institutions (gram panchayat, panchayat samiti and zila parishad). But due to lack of awareness, these committees remain non-operational. The first initiative under the project has been to activate the Social Justice Committee (SJC) in intervention areas. The SJC is the standing committee which ensures protection of the interests of socially and economically backward sections of society, especially SCs/STs, women, and other backward classes, landless labourers, and small and marginalized farmers.

The first orientation of the standing committee members from 10 gram panchayats of Sonipat and Ganaur districts of Haryana was held in Chotu Ram Dharamshala in Sonipat on 13 February 2012. The training brought together 30 participants which included SJC representatives (sarpanches and ward panchs) of 10 gram panchayats and village level activists. The purpose was to orient SJC members on the role and functions of the SJC.

As part of the workshop, participants were provided information on the basic provisions of the Haryana Panchayati Raj Act. A movie on the roles and responsibilities of panchyats was used as a teaching aid. The participants were informed about the importance of gram sabhas and gram panchyats for the social development and economic empowerment of villages. SJC members were motivated to strengthen the gram sabha through active participation of poor and marginalized sections, specially women and dalits, in gram sabha meetings.

Participants were also oriented about the various constitutional provisions enacted for protection and development of SCs. Large group discussions were held for developing a deeper understanding on the linkage between social development and role of panchyats. There was a detailed discussion on the role of standing committees in providing for the developmental needs of people.

Participants were then divided into groups (village wise) and were asked to list three problems in their village(s) related to social injustice and develop an action plan to address the problem. The groups were encouraged to present their plans to all participants.

Participants learning about the role of standing committees in gram panchayats

A session was also held on the roles and responsibilities of the SJC which include the promotion of educational, economic, social, cultural and other interests of SCs and other weaker sections, and the welfare of women and children.

Presentation of the action plans after group discussion

As a follow up to this workshop the action plans prepared by the SJC members will be taken up by the project team for intensive discussion and implementation in the respective villages.