27-Jul-2020 to 11-Aug-2020

An online training programme on “Working with PRIs” was organised for SRIJAN’s Rajasthan team between 27 July and 11 August. The training programme was conducted in a blended mode and saw participation from 30 people. Spread over 10 days the learning strategy included online sessions as well as electronically circulated learning material.  

The main objectives of the training programme were to develop an understanding on Institutional structures of Panchayat Raj Institutions and of PRIs role in the planning, implementation and monitoring of various schemes and programmesThe training program also included sessions on composition and functions of PRIs, process of decentralisation, devolution of fundspreparation of Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP), MNREGS, gender mainstreaming in PRIs, and more.  

The training method included a combination of presentations, lecture and discussion, case studies, group work and presentations through breakout rooms, and role plays. Additional reading material and practice tasks were also given at the end of sessions to strengthen the participants'’ learning. Former Panchayat Presidents (Sarpanches) were invited as resource persons for sessions on Mahila Sabha, GPDP and MGNREGA. 

Further, considering participants may not be familiar with online learning, technical support and guidelines and presentations for running the Zoom Link were also provided. Participants were also asked to fill out a feedback form to assess their learning and share their thoughts on the training. Following are a few remarks from the participants: 

1. "The combination of knowledge and hands on experience sharing, and the presentations and examples shared, provided a deep understanding of Panchayati Raj Institutions and their act role." -- SRIJAN team member

2. "I never attended gram sabha meeting and had not even visited Gram Panchayat. Now I will definitely attend gram sabha meeting and also encourage others to do so. We will also organise Mahila sabha now." -- Community-based Organisation member 

3. "I will ensure that all villagers specially women participate in Gram Sabha meetings. The session on MGNREGA was also very useful. We were not aware of many of the provisions." -- Elected member of Gram Panchayat

If you are interested in learning more or attending such a training, please email