26-Aug-2020 to 28-Aug-2020

Learning is Change and Change is learning. Both processes are symbiotic to each other where one process navigates the other. As facilitator of social change, we seek to empower marginalized communities. This empowerment comes from sharpening their curiosity to learn and gain control over their own lives.  It is a process that fosters knowledge and skills in people for use in their own lives, their communities and in their society, by acting on issues they define as important.  

Facilitate to Change (F2C) is a customized training program that engages participants, frontline field workers, in a comprehensive learning process to build the knowledge and skills required to effectively facilitate the process of empowerment and social change in their respective communities. These sessions also enables the participants to understand the process of empowering (marginalized) communities to lead individual and collective action to change the current realities of their lives. 

This training program uses participatory and adult learning approach to impart theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of promoting individual and collective awareness for social change among the marginalized communities. The training program is planned to be delivered through three learning sessions from 24-26 August, usually for 90 minutes per session each day: 

Session 1: Learning to Change 

(Change is predicated on learning. The first sessions discusses the important aspects of learning-change paradigm, how learning leads to Change and how to support and facilitate learning in the communities) 

Session 2: Individual & Collective learning

(Change occurs when agency is exercised individually and collectively. Collectivization leads to increased collective power, along with increase in material base of the individuals in the collective. The session stimulates the discussion on how a facilitator ensures that everyone develops and maintains stakes in the learning-change process?)

Session 3: Securing support for change

(The legitimate demands made by communities, when communicated to authorities and other stakeholders, have both good and bad results. This session helps the participants to understand how can they manage the fallouts, while remaining true to their spirit, of presenting the truth? How to negotiate the local realities of political and other considerations among the stakeholders they want to influence?) 

To learn more about the training or participate in such sessions in the future, please email