06-Dec-2023 to 08-Dec-2023
Mayfair Convention, Bhubaneswar

Odisha has undergone a transformational journey in the fields of food production, food security, livelihoods, and disaster management. However, the state is also passing through a phase of rapid demographic transition not only determined by the size of the population and growth rate, but by the composition and distribution of the population accompanied by changes in behaviours and aspirations of the people. The sustained decline in fertility coupled with rapid economic and socio-cultural transition is shaping up a different trajectory for the state.

This changing demographic transition of Odisha will have implications on education, labour force, aging and social security provision, maternal and child health, and many other dimensions. This will be all the more important for Odisha, which is set to celebrate 100 years of its formation in 2036.

In the above context, a Special Edition of the Odisha Vikash Conclave (OVC) was planned to focus on ‘Odisha @2036: Demography and Development’ on December 7, 2023, at the Mayfair Convention, Bhubaneswar. 

Some of the critical areas that were identified for deliberation in the conclave included:


Dr. Anshuman Karol, Lead-Community Governance and Climate Action, attended the conference. 


Click here to read more about the Conclave 2023.

For more details about the schedule of the Conclave, click on 6th Dec (pre-conclave), 7th Dec, and 8th Dec 2023 (post-conclave).