02-Feb-2016 to 05-Feb-2016
Hyderabad, India

PRIA in collaboration with Water-Aid and the Department of Panchayat Raj, Rural Water Supply, Government of Andhra Pradesh manages an independent Rapid Action Learning Unit (RALU) in Andhra Pradesh. RALU is a component of Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) that deals with evaluating monitoring exercises, providing advice on corrective action and up-scaling of good practices.

Mr. Andres from Water-Aid UK, who worked with Dr Robert Chambers on conceptualising the idea of RALU, visited PRIA-Hyderabad office from 2 February to 5 February 2016. Sanitation status of Andhra Pradesh, SBM and RALU guidelines, and ways and approaches of making RALU more effective were discussed during the three-day visit. Along with PRIA-Hyderabad colleagues, Mr. Andres visited three Open Defecation Free (ODF) villages (Kappaldoddi, Kolanukonda and Kunchanpalli Gram Panchayats) and one non-ODF panchayat (Gurjapalli Gram Panchayat) in Krishna district. The purpose of the field visit was to interact with various stakeholders involved in sanitation at the gram panchayat level to understand the process that the gram panchayats underwent to enable themselves to become free of open defecation. Learnings from the field were discussed in the RALU office to help determine the themes for documenting action learning practices.