18-Mar-2017 to 19-Mar-2017
Chitrakoot, Uttar Pradesh

Lok Lay is a cultural festival of dance and music organised by ABSSS, a partner working with Martha Farrell Foundation and PRIA in KBC. For nearly four decades, ABSSS and its tireless founder, Gopal Bhai, have been organising Loklay to protect, promote and preserve the rich musical and dance heritage of the Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh. Dr Rajesh Tandon, President, PRIA has played a stellar role in supporting and promoting Lok Lay.

Lok Lay 2017 brought 150 folk singers & dancers of Bundelkhand to Chitrakoot. It is a platform that appreciates the lifelong commitment to art that distinguishes some of Bundelkhand's seniormost folk performers and musicians. Speaking on the occasion, Dr Rajesh Tandon stressed the importance of folk art forms in preserving local knowledge.

In February 2015, Dr Martha Farrell attended Lok Lay and she encouraged all the artistes in her address to the audience. Unfortunately, in May 2015 she was killed in a terrorist attack in Kabul, Afghanistan. (Lok Lay could unfortunately not be held in 2016.) The 2017 edition of Lok Lay (on 18 and 19 March) has been dedicated to her memory, remembering her dauntless spirit. Martha started first ever workshop on sexual harassment at workplace with students and faculty of Gramodaya University in Chitrakoot two years ago.