17-Sep-2018 to 17-Sep-2018
PRIA Library, New Delhi

This was an interesting seminar of the series PRIA conducted since beginning because it told us about the history of PRIA, its trajectory of work and technical progress it made as on date.

Syed Zakir Hussain, Senior Librarian of PRIA started it by reciting a poem on books and its affections in one’s life. In today’s digital world, the poem says, such affection is not being created!!

Zakir very fondly stated that PRIA has about 25000 books in storage. The new look library has been set up in March 2018. Earlier, it was in the very first office of PRIA in Sainik Farm, near Ambedkar Nagar, New Delhi in 1980s.

He explained about the core values /processes of documentation:

a)     Collecting

b)     Organising

c)      Recording

d)     Dissemination

 The presentation also explained about different stages of PRIA publications such as;

 -         First annual report of  1982-1983

-         First publication

-         Cyclostyle printing work

-         First computer purchased

-         First set of policy briefs created

-         Branding of PRIA work  

Later he presented different types of publications, converting in to digital library in 2005, branding PRIA in the forefront in today’s world.

Thereafter, the session opened for a participatory discussion.    Many of the staff came up with good suggestions to improvise the library and market it as well to reach out to more people though digital as well as other mediums.

This brought back many to the past of PRIA and helped to understand the grand history of PRIA’s publications. 

The need to re-establish PRIA through it very rich history and publications is the requirement of the time now.

The seminar ended by 5.00 p.m. with a great applause to the presenter.