02-Oct-2017 to 02-Oct-2017
Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh

In 2017, 2nd October, Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary was also World Habitat Day. Such days are intended to remind the world that we all have the power and the responsibility to shape the future of our cities and towns, housing for all and cleanliness in the cities.

On World Habitat Day, PRIA through its European Union supported programme, Engaged Citizens- Responsive City is launched a Network of Settlement Improvement Committees (SICs) in  Mehndi Bag, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh. Representatives of all the 43 SICs, the Mayor, ward councillors, citizen council representatives and other organisations participated in the launch of this network.

SICs are representative bodies established with nominated residents from the informal settlements. SICs act as bridges between service providers and the community. These SICs work as organisations that speak in unison about the communities’ needs and rights. They are the focal points through which external stakeholders can connect with the communities. Over the past 20 months, SICs in various informal settlements in Jhanis have received services and their entitlements through increased dialogue among the informal settlement dwellers as well as with external actors. Creating a city-wide network across all informal settlements will deepen the engagement of SICs with external stakeholders, and help connect them with like-minded regional and national level networks for stronger advocacy efforts.