09-May-2024 to 10-May-2024
Bangkok, Thailand

Dr. Pragya Chaube, one of our colleagues, attended the Indo-Pacific Summit on Social Science Funding and Collaboration, organized by the Association of Asian Social Science Research Councils (AASREC) on May 9-10, 2024. The summit brought together over 90 delegates from 25 countries to comprehensively explore innovation, impact, and ethical considerations in the region.

The two-day summit featured panels on enhancing the resilience and performance of Asia’s research systems through evidence-based approaches, fostering innovation and translation in social science, and focusing on the ethical dimensions of AI in research funding. Engaging discussions continued with a focus on impactful collaborations and building a community of practice through AASSREC.

The summit concluded with a keynote address by Dr. Shamika Ravi, who presented transformative insights on societal growth. This gathering provided a dynamic platform for sharing knowledge, fostering partnerships, and advancing the future of social science research in the Indo-Pacific.