04-Mar-2016 to 04-Mar-2016
Hyderabad, India
As part of Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin),  Rapid Action Learning Unit (RALU) has been constituted in Andhra Pradesh.One of the major aspects of this learning unit is to seek inputs and suggestions from a cross-section of experts, functionaries, civil society organisations, and academia to strengthen the Unit.

The first stakeholders’ meeting in this direction was organized by PRIA with the support of Water Aid along with Dept. of PR & RWS and SBM-AP, on 4 March, 2016 from 2:00 PM- 5:00 PM at The Plaza hotel in Hyderabad.

The consultation was attended by representatives from SBM, NGOs working in the fields of sanitation, water, health, governance, and organisations working for women and media. The purpose of the meeting was to make institutions aware of RALU and its functions and to seek their inputs and support for RALU's activities.

The status of sanitation in the country after 3 decades of continuous efforts remains the same with a large section of our population practicing open defecation. Mr Manoj Rai, Director, PRIA, stressed the immediate need of action research in this direction. Mr Sudhakar, Program Coordinator, Water Aid presented the activities of Water Aid and the context in which it was considered essential to establish a RALU inAndhra Pradesh. He emphasized the fact that RALU is part of Swachh Bharat Mission. The idea of RALU, Mr Manoj and Mr Sudhakar, explained is not a separate entity, but a part of the government mission which will be owned by the government after an incubation period of 4 years. Mr Mahendar, representing SBM-AP, discussed the activities of SBM in Andhra Pradesh and presented successes achieved and challenges faced so far. This was followed by a presentation by Dr. Sakshi Saini from PRIA, who detailed out the activities and progress of RALU in AP.

The presentations were followed by an open discussion amongst the stakeholders. The major outcomes of the consultation are:
• Research may be taken up on why people are still defecating in the open even when they have access to latrines.
• Research may also be conducted on gender, marginalization, behavioral change and collaborative monitoring and evaluation.
The meeting concluded with some stakeholders coming forward to extend their support to RALU-AP.