17-Apr-2023 to 02-Jun-2023

Constitution of 6th State Finance Commission

Articles 243 I and 243Y of Constitution of India prescribes for constitution of State Finance Commission in State to review financial position of the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) and to make appropriate recommendations for strengthening financial capacities of PRIs and ULBs. Accordingly, and as per Sikkim Panchayat and Municipalities Acts and in pursuance of section 3 of Sikkim (Constitution of Finance Commission) Rules, 1995, the Governor of Sikkim has constituted the Sixth State Finance Commission vide Notification GoS/FCD/Fin/2021-22/01/273, dated 20/06/2022, to review the financial position of the Local Bodies and to make recommendations to the Governor as to the following matters, namely:


  1. The principles which should govern:
  1. The measures needed to improve the financial position of the Zilla Panchayats, Gram Panchayats, Municipalities, Municipal Councils and Nagar Panchayats.
  2. The Commission shall also:
  1. In making its recommendations, the Commission shall have regard to, among other things:
  1. In making its recommendations on various matters, the Commission shall take the base of population figure as of 2011, in all such cases where population is a factor for determination of devolution of taxes, duties and grants-in-aids.
  2. The Commission shall indicate the basis on which it has arrived at its findings and make available the estimate of receipts and expenditure of each tier of Local Bodies within the State

Composition of the 6th SFC

The chairperson and members of the current State Finance Commission are:

  1. Tashi Cho Cho Chairperson
  2. Roshni Rai Member
  3. Tenzing Dorjee Member
  4. Raj Narayan Pradhan Member Secretary

Functioning of the Commission

The 6th SFC started its functioning immediately after its constitution. It has engaged the PRIA Education Trust ( as technical support agency to provide supports to the SFC in generation and analysis of appropriate data to arrive at suitable recommendations. Besides, compilation and analyses of data from various governmental departments and other credible sources, the SFC intends to consult several important stakeholders from Sikkim to receive their inputs and suggestions for preparation of the report. So, a series of consultations with different stakeholders were organised from 17- 21 April and 29 May- 2 June 2023. 


Consultation 1- With the members of past State Finance Commissions of Sikkim

Date- Monday, 17th April 2023

Participants: Chairpersons, Members and Member Secretaries of past and current (6th) SFCs and Members of PRIA


Consultation 2- Meeting with ULB officials at Urban Development Department

Date- Tuesday, 18th April 2023

Participants: Chairpersons, Members and Member Secretary of the 6th SFC, Nodal Officials (officials who are posted in the field and are directly associated with functioning of the ULBs and their finances) from all the ULBs in Sikkim, Official of the UDHD in Gangtok, who are directly concerned with functioning of ULBs in the state and Members of PRIA


Consultation 3- Meeting with Rural field functionaries (ADC (Dev)/BDOs/ADs/VAA/PDAs, & other frontline workers) and Nodal officers from the  RMDD who are directly associated with the functioning of PRIs in the state

Date- Wednesday, 19th April 2023

Participants: Chairpersons, Members and Member Secretary of the 6th SFC, Rural Field functionaries (ADC (Dev)/BDOs/ADs/VAA/PDAs and other frontline workers of PRIs), RMDD Nodal Officers and Members of PRIA


Consultation 4- Meeting with State level officials from RDD, UDD and Finance Department

Date- Wednesday, 19th April 2023

Participants: Chairpersons, Members and Member Secretary of the 6th SFC, State level officials of RDD, UDD, Finance Department and Members of PRIA



Consultation 5: Discussions with the SFC Members

Date: 21 April 2023

To discuss the emerging issues from the compiled data and the recent consultations.



During the first phase of its consultation meetings, the 6th SFC hosted meetings with the members of past SFCs of Sikkim, field officials of the ULBs, and senior officers of the departments of Rural Development, Urban Development and Finance and Revenue. A meeting was also held with more than 300 representatives, which included VAAs/PDAs of almost all GPUs in Sikkim and associated BDOs, ADCs and ADs. Finally, an internal discussion was held within the 6th SFC to review the experiences of recently held consultations, quality of data available and needed, possibilities of a quick study on implications of past SFC recommendations and ways forward for the 6th SFC to discuss and decide on its strategies and suggestions for future recommendations.

In continuity of the above consultations, the second phase of consultations were organised from 29th May- 2nd June 2023.

Consultation 5 - Meeting with the Elected Members of GPs (award winning, remote and newly constituted


Date- Monday, 29th May 2023

Participants: The participants could be progressive elected representatives who have been publicly awarded/appreciated for their work, elected members from remote and newly constituted GPs.  All districts/regions should be represented. It should be ensured that good numbers of women (and other marginalized section) should participate in this meeting. Since most of the elected representatives are new, if RMDD feels fine, some past GPU members could also be invited to this meeting. It would be useful for constructive discussions if the number of participants is restricted to remain manageable (less than 60).   



Consultation 6 - Meeting with the Members of all Zilla Panchayats (ZP Adhyaksha, Upa Adhyaksha, DCs (Sachiva) and DPOs


Date- Monday, 29th May 2023

Participants: All the Adhyaksha and Upa Adhyaksha of ZPs and 2 or 3 selected members from each ZP (including women members) should participate in this meeting. The DCs (Sachiva) and DPOs of all 6 ZPs should also be invited to participate in the meeting.  


Consultation 7 - Meeting with Elected Members of ULBs (Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, President, Vice President, MEOs)

 Date- Tuesday, 30th May 2023

Participants: All Elected Members of ULBs (Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, President, Vice President, MEOs) of all 7 ULBs in Sikkim should be invited to this meeting. Since most of ULB members are newly elected, if it is possible, some knowledgeable past members of the ULBs could also be invited to share their experiences.


Consultation 8 - Meeting with the SIRD and Skill Development Department, other Capacity Building Organizations of the Government of Sikkim

 Date- Tuesday, 30th May 2023

Participants: The Director and other faculty members, who are responsible for training of the PRI and the ULB functionaries and representatives should participate. Skill Development Department and other agencies of the Government of Sikkim, which build capacities of the PRIs and ULBs should also participate.    


Consultation 9 - Meeting with the CSR Representatives

 Date- Thursday, 1st June 2023 (11.00 AM- 01.00 PM)

Participants: All CSR representatives of private and public sector companies working in Sikkim should participate. The key representatives of nodal departments (for companies and CSR) should also participate. 


Consultation 10 - Meeting with the Representatives of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and Farmer Producer organizations (FPOs).

 Date- Thursday, 1st June 2023

Participants: The representatives of selected SHGs and FPOs should participate in the meeting. The local government officials who directly deal with SHGs or FPOs should also be invited to this meeting. The total number of participants should not be more than 30.    


Consultation 11:  Internal Meeting of the 6th SFC

Date- Friday, 2nd June 2023

Participants: Chairperson and Members of 6th SFC.    



To discuss the emanating issues from recently concluded meetings to formulate final criteria for resource allocation and 6th SFC recommendations. And to finalize different sections of the 6th SFC report.