16-Mar-2011 to 16-Mar-2011
Govindgarh, Rajashthan
Sub National

The meeting was organized in the conference hall of Govindgarh Panchayat Samiti. Women leaders of the panchayat welcomed the delegates with a traditional tilak on their foreheads, garlands for the female delegates and turbans for the male delegates. They also sang a traditional Rajasthani song, and performed a folk dance.

The Sarpanch of Gram Govindgarh thanked PRIA, and especially Dr Tandon, for the continuous support provided to Govindgarh panchayat to enable it to become a model gram panchayat. The delegates then interacted with a group of 18 active women leaders – elected representatives from panchayati raj institutions, women who had contested the panchayat elections (held in 2010), citizen leaders, and heads of CBOs, women’s networks and self-help groups. The discussion centred around health issues during which these women leaders shared there experiences of how they are using the learning received from PRIA in the field of politics, social inclusion and earning livelihoods.

The visit ended with a walk through the village to see implementation of NREGS and water conservations initiatives.