05-Mar-2016 to 05-Mar-2016
PRIA, New Delhi
PRIA in collaboration with Martha Farrell Foundation invited media professionals for a roundtable conversation -- to hear stories of violence and grit, of change and resistance from the cities where Kadam Badhate Chalo (KBC), a youth led initiative to end violence against women, is being implemented.

The objective of the conversation was to begin the process of network building with media partners who form the backbone of a development driven media, where reportage is not sporadic, policy implementation is closely monitored and an attitudinal shift can be brought about. The end of normalization of violence against women starts with the right conversation. Media has the power to advocate and educate, and along with civil society organisations, can play a vital role in creating a safer space where stories of violence no longer remain in the shadows. 

Journalists from Hindustan Times, India News and DNA attended the roundtable. "Women’s issue is not only women’s problem. It can only be tackled if we look at it as everyone's problem," the journalists said. Development news should no longer be “soft news”, they all agreed.