26-Feb-2018 to 26-Feb-2018
PRIA, New Delhi

What is trending around us?

We live in times of ‘great churning’. Half of India’s population (650 million) is below 25 years of age -- aspirationally dynamic, digitally connected, yet lacking in skills to participate in the changing economy. Shifting global and national discourse on economy, politics and society creates a vastly confusing, at times disturbing, scenario.

Within this eco-system, various sectors of Indian society continue to move ahead with innovations in products, services, processes and structures. New ways of working emerge in all sectors -- business, bureaucracy, media, academia, legislature… and civil society.

However, our own understanding of what is ‘trending’ in other sectors is somewhat limited. 

On 26 February 2018, around 25 PRIA colleagues, friends, well wishers and long-standing partners will engage in a conversation to redefine ‘new ways of working’ for PRIA. Special invitees will share their deep insights into various sectors.

Through this conversation, we want to learn what is ‘trending’ (what is new, different, innovative now?) in these other sectors of society. We hope to learn and explore the potential for new forms of mutually supportive partnerships across sectors.