28-Feb-2023 to 02-Mar-2023
New Delhi

Participatory Research in Asia-PRIA, New Delhi conducted a 3-day workshop on Leadership and Governance in Non-Profit Organisations. Chief Functionaries of 19 organisations from 10 states across the nation participated in the workshop held in New Delhi starting from 28 February to 2 March 2023. 

The objective of the workshop was: 

The workshop was facilitated by Dr. Kaustuv K. Bandyopadhyay, Director of PRIA, Dr. Rajesh Tandon, Founder President of PRIA, and Ms. Anita Madhusudan, Founder of Governance Counts. 

For a long time, there has been a lot of focus on neta (leader) instead of netritv (leadership). In the context of a non-profit organisation, leadership should be looked at as a process that is played by individuals. For non-profit organisations, the purpose is to bring about change in society. The most crucial element of leadership is to identify the purpose(s) for the existence of the organisation and inspire others, both internal and external to the organisation, to believe in the same. The effort to influence should be such that external individuals/institutions develop a stake in the purpose of the organisation. 

The leaders perform three functions in an organisation including that of a doer, managerial, and leadership. Differentiating and creating a balance between the three is important for any leader. As organisation grows, delegation should start, and their role as doer and manager should decrease, and leadership function should increase. In practice, a large organisation would have managers play certain leadership roles and vice versa. 

Organisational culture plays an extremely important role in the functioning of an organisation. The culture is driven by the espoused values of the organisation. The behavior of employees, decision-making, delegation, autonomy, teamwork, etc. would always be governed by culture. The major parameters of organisation culture are openness, confrontation, trust, authenticity, pro-action, autonomy, collaboration, and experimentation. Many times, a leader instead of delegating tasks, acts like either an abdicator or a confiscator. According to the theory of situational leadership, employees need delegation, coaching, encouragement to participate, or micro instructions based on their competency and commitment. 

The influence of leadership doesn’t necessarily work only with formal power. The other sources of power leadership can use are sanction, referent, expert, persuasion, influence upwards and outwards, and professional skills. A leader should use a mix of these sources of power based on the requirement. 

Henderson defined feedback as, “a process in which learners make sense of information about their performance and use it to enhance the quality of their work or learning strategies.”.  (Henderson, 2019) In the organisational context, feedback is the process by which an employee or leader gets information about their effectiveness or performance that they can use to make necessary adjustments or improvements in their work. Each one of us has our own self-conception. One of the ways to understand the self is through receiving feedback, it either reinforces or challenges it. Self has four areas: Open, Blind, Hidden, and Unknown. The art of giving and receiving feedback is very important. And as a leader, your employees and peers should be able to give you honest feedback. The atmosphere of free-flowing feedback comes from the organisation’s culture and in turn, affects the culture. The feedback isn’t always upward or downwards but also horizontal. Timely feedback is crucial for excellent organisation culture and performance. 

The governance function in an organisation focuses on processes of the HOWs and WHYs of decisions. Most of the time, it ends up performing a statutory function more than a governance function. The characteristics of good governance are: 

It has been observed that the contribution of Board members increases when they have been provided with opportunities to engage with the stakeholders (including directly served communities). Acknowledging the contributions would also engage Board members better. Understanding Board members’ individual motivations and engaging with them appropriately would also impact their engagement. When the communication is open, optimal, and balanced and Board has complete trust in the CEO’s capabilities, the engagement of Board members has seen to be improved. To increase the ownership of Board members, development of bigger stakes have to be developed. The factors to influence Board involvement are the personality of the CEO/founder, the growth stage of the organisation and aligned Board role, the cohesiveness of the Board, and a good Board Chair. The relationship between CEO and the Board Chair is extremely important to ensure accountability. It is very important to change the narrative around Board. The narrative should present the role as an opportunity for the potential board members and the visibility it would offer them. It is important to understand that good governance is more than just Governing Board. 


Workshop Agenda - 



                                                                                              Tuesday, 28 February 2023 

      10:00 am to 10:45 am 

            Opening Session: Welcome, Introduction, Expectation, Analysis and Objective Setting 

      10:45 am to 11:30 am 

            Session 1: Meaning of Leadership in Non-profit Organisations 

            Learning Methods: Participatory Lecture and Buzz Group Discussion 

      11:30 am to 11:45 am 


      11:45 am to 01:00 pm 

             Session 2: Roles of Leadership in Non-profit Organisations 

             Learning Methods: Participatory Lecture and Group Exercise 

       01:00 pm to 2:00 pm 


       02:00 pm to 03:30 pm 

             Session 3: Leadership in Non-profit Organisations – Authority, Delegation and Accountability 

             Learning Methods: Case Study Analysis and Participatory Lecture 

      03:30 pm to 04:00 pm 


             Group Photograph 

      03:45 pm to 05:00 pm 

             Session 4: Developing A Conducive Organisational Culture 

             Learning Methods: Exercise and Participatory Lecture 

                                                                         Wednesday, 1 March 2023 

      09:30 am to 10:00 am 


      10:00 am to 11:15 am 

            Session 5: Exploring Leadership Styles 

            Learning Methods: Exercise and Participatory Lecture 

      11:15 am to 11:30 am 


      11:30 am to 01:00 pm 

            Session 6: Leadership and Interpersonal Relationship 

            Learning Methods: Exercise and Participatory Lecture  

      01:00 pm to 02:00 pm 


      02:00 pm to 03:15 pm 

            Session 7: Leadership and Sources of Power 

            Learning Methods: Exercise and Participatory Lecture 

      03:15 pm to 3:30 pm 


      03:30 pm to 05:00 pm 

           Session 8: Leadership Behaviour: Receiving and Giving Feedback 

           Learning Methods: Exercise and Participatory Lecture 

                                     Thursday, 2 March 2023 

      09:30 am to 10:00 am 


      10:00 am to 11:00 am 

           Session 9: Meaning of Governance in Non-profit Organisations 

           Learning Methods: Buzz Group Discussion and Participatory Lecture 

      11:00 am to 11:15 am 


      11:15 am to 01:00 pm 

           Session 10: Governing Board in Non-profit Organisations – Roles, Composition, Competencies and Renewal 

           Learning Methods: Buzz Group Discussion and Participatory Lecture 

      01:00 pm to 02:00 pm 


      02:00 pm to 03:15 pm 

          Session 11: Relationship Between Governing Board and Chief Executive Officer/Founder 

          Learning Methods: Buzz Group Discussion and Participatory Lecture 

      03:15 pm to 04:00 pm 

         Closing Session: Evaluation, Follow-up and Closure