17-Nov-2015 to 22-Nov-2015
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Swathi Subramaniam, Program Officer in PRIA, participated in the Basic Leadership Development Course conducted by ASPBAE in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam between 17 and 22 November 2015. The course included 34 participants from 16 countries. Swathi learned about climate change, fund raising, principles of adult education and lifelong learning, (especially in the context of Vietnam and Europe), and education for sustainable development.

In Swathi’s words: “The workshop was a mutual co-learning process. We were all highly energetic, motivated to learn, and keen to get answers. I have learned so much about the cultures of various countries from which the participants came. These interactions have opened my mind. My mind was like a closed box which could not think beyond certain predefined things but interacting with participants not just at the professional level but also about their personal lives was enriching. The exercise on “A village of 100 people” was something new for me. I got  chance to visit the King’s Palace, which is really huge and is preserved like a museum for tourists. I also saw a Water Puppet Show on the mythology, traditional beliefs and rural culture of Vietnam. I have seen many puppet shows in India, but never one performed on water.”

All the participants are supposed to prepare an Action Plan on how the Concepts and Frameworks learnt in this course can be used in their areas of work.

Follow PRIA's blog, Democracy For All" to know more about Swathi's action plan.