22-Jan-2016 to 22-Jan-2016
Lucknow, India
Sub National

It's very well to say that an open and liberal environment at the workplace prevents sexual harassment. But when the understanding of an open and liberal environment itself has more than twenty definitions in one workplace, how conducive is the environment and is it conducive for everyone then?

These and many more such issues were intensely debated by 30 programme staff of Sahbhagi Shikshan Kendra in Lucknow in a workshop on conducive workplaces on 22 January 2016. Participatory processes were used to facilitate the group to come up with a set of behaviours, language and actions including body language that were acceptable and unacceptable for both male and female colleagues.

We believe that having a gender sensitive and conducive workplace is an important step towards the prevention of sexual harassment within the workplace. We support organisations to roll out their compliance mechanisms and our emphasis has been on making the experience meaningful for both the management and employees.

The workshop was conducted in collaboration with Martha Farrell Foundation under its Making Workplaces Safe programme.