09-Apr-2013 to 11-Apr-2013
New York, USA

Bhavishya Alliance (, an initiative of Synergos ( undertaken in collaboration with UNICEF and Unilever, was an effort to address child under-nutrition in the state of Maharashtra. It focused on “building bridges” that enable joint action across organizations, levels (local, national, international) and sectors (government, business, civil society) to develop sustainable social, political and economic solutions to a problem. Such initiatives are undertaken to foster significant and sustainable change that enhances the lives of poor and marginalized groups.

In order to get a broader understanding about this initiative, Synergos is organizing an international study conference in New York between 9 and 11 April 2013. Participants at this conference have been tasked with presenting an analytical study of the Bhavishya Alliance initiative. Once all the five case writers have presented their case studies, Synergos officials and academicians will facilitate intensive discussion, deep reflection and evaluation with a view to presenting them to policy makers.

Namita Kumari from PRIA is one such case writer who will be presenting her analysis of the ‘Bridge Building Process in the Bhavishya Alliance’. The report is primarily an overall assessment of the approach of bringing together various actors (government, corporate and civil society). The case study analysis covers:

  • The background of the initiative
  • How the initiative was launched
  • What types of challenges and opportunities emerged during the process
  • What was the consolidation and institutionalization approach
  • What were the impacts
  • What are the short and long term future possibilities
  • Lessons learned about the bridge building

This conference is one of a series of case study analysis Synergos is compiling as part of its 25th Anniversary Reflection.