11-Oct-2021 to 11-Oct-2021

Aspects about traditional values and cultural identities in relation to urban planning and design are largely absent from discussions on climate change today. At the international level, culture is not systematically integrated into the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Paris Agreement, or the Assessment Reports of the IPCC. Going forward, there is an urgent need for decentralised consultations by urban design and planning policy makers, scholars and practitioners for framing policies about climate adaptation and resilience. Traditional and cultural institutions, as well as individual and community stakeholders must be made actively part of such consultations in their local languages.

This webinar explores the interconnections between culture and community, to introspect how these links play a role in promoting sustainable urban resilience. Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), Building Resilient Urban Communities (BREUCOM) and SHRISTI Manipal Institute of Art, Design and Technology will be hosting a webinar “Traditional Culture and Wisdom in Resilience Planning and Designing” on 11 October (Monday) from 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm. It aims to examine the role of higher education institutions to build momentum for drawing complementarities between ecology and livelihood interests, by incorporating traditional and cultural practices of local communities in their teaching and pedagogy.

In particular, the webinar will explore the following questions:

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