22-Jun-2012 to 22-Jun-2012
New Delhi

The Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010 became applicable from May 2012 in India. The changes in the FCRA Act have meant complex challenges for the voluntary sector, particularly grassroots organisations. The main constraint is lack of adequate information on the Act and its correct interpretation. “Comprehensive Commentaries on FCRA, 2010” seeks to bridge this gap.

Voluntary Action Network India (VANI) along with Financial Management Service Foundation (FMSF) had initiated extensive awareness campaigns with voluntary organisations across the country, including regional workshops in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs.  During these interactions numerous questions were listed as practical difficulties in implementing the Act.  The book is based on these questions, and has been written by Manoj Fogla, an eminent chartered accountant.

The book was released at the India Habitat Centre on 22 June 2012. Dr. Rajesh Tandon, President, PRIA was the guest of honour.  Dr. Syeeda Hamid, Member, Planning Commission was the chief guest.

The book is a joint publication of Financial Management Service Foundation (FMSF) and Voluntary Action Network India (VANI).