09-Aug-2023 to 09-Aug-2023

A hybrid Book Discussion on “Social Innovations in Urban Sanitation in India: Meeting Unmet Needs” was held on 9 August 2023, at PRIA Head Office Conference Hall, New Delhi. The book has been authored by Mr. Shubhagato Dasgupta, Dr. Kaustuv Kanti Bandyopadhyay, Ms. Anju Dwivedi, Dr. Sumona DasGupta, and Ms. Bharti.



A couple of years back, the Centre for Policy Research (CPR) and Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) engaged in a participatory research study in partnership with several Indian civil society organisations and social movements to document and analyse the myriad social innovations that they have pioneered in the urban sanitation sector in India. This book is the outcome of this research study and numerous conversations with the leadership of these organisations along with several other policymakers, academicians, and practitioners. The book provides evidence of the critical role that civil society and the social innovations they championed in the past and continue to play in the current march towards safely managed sanitation. We hope that this book will ignite a constructive discussion on how all stakeholders could contribute to creating a more robust ecosystem for social innovation and the critical role that civil society needs to continue to play in the sanitation sector.

Click here for the background note and programme agenda 

The book is available as an open-source resource and you may like to access it HERE.