11-Jun-2014 to 11-Jun-2014

The Kadam Badao Campaign in Sonepat would start soon, and as a preliminary step to the campaign, we are conducting  a base line survey in all the villages. The base line survey is being done to conduct a safety audit of the village. The purpose is to assess the attitudes and awareness on the issues related to Violence Against Women. The issues emerging out of this audit would be taken up during the Kadam Badao Campaign to be launched shortly. This base line survey is an attempt to position the Campaign.

The base line survey would be done by our core group. They would conduct focus group discussion with the youth of the village. Approximately 80 members of the youth groups are likely to take part in the survey.

They will have a village map on which the issues would be identified and marked.

The first in the series of base line surveys is going to be held in Sonepat on 11th June 2014