25-Sep-2017 to 27-Sep-2017
Uttar Pradesh

More than 4 years since the implementation of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act in 2013, we are yet to witness a vibrant and robust implementation of the law. The biggest challenge for implementation isn't only the casual approach to the issue, but the fact that those who make up more than 90% of the total labour force in India -- the informal sector workers -- have been excluded in the discourse. The conversations have not only failed to include those who work in unorganised workplaces, but also fails to recognise the very dynamic nature of their work and workplace.

PRIA in partnership with Martha Farrell Foundaiton, Building & Woodworkers International and Indian National Trade Union Congress has started Badlav Yatra, a program to make workplaces safe for all informal sector workers.

The initial phase of this program is being implemented in Uttar Pradesh. The first round of conversations are scheduled to be held from 25-27 September 2017 in Fatehabad, Firozabad and Mathura.