31-Aug-2021 to 31-Aug-2021

Capacity development is central to sustainable social, economic, and environmental development. Capacity in its simplest sense covers the totality of an organisation’s efforts to fulfil its mission. As there are diverse purposes, missions, and rationales for starting up and continuation of different civil society and non-profit organisations, universal prescriptions of desirable capacity may not be relevant. Nevertheless, three kinds of capacities assume significance in civil society and non-profits[1]:

As civil society and non-profits are being called upon to contribute to resilient and sustainable development, particularly in the aftermath of the pandemic, it is critical that the resilience and sustainability of these organisations is not overlooked, particularly for the new and emergent civil society and non-profits. However, affordable institutional development support to civil society is increasingly becoming unavailable.

As PRIA completes its 40 years, it recommits to continued institutional strengthening and capacity development support to civil society and non-profits with a special focus on new generation civil society and non-profit groups. In this context, PRIA in collaboration with one of its longstanding partners INTRAC based in Oxford, UK and Dasra based in India will co-organise a Samvad  (Conversation) on “Accelerating Capacities in Civil Society and Non-Profits” on Tuesday, 31 August, 2021 from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm (Indian Time).

The Conversation will delve into the following key questions:



[1] Tandon, Rajesh. (2002). Voluntary Action, Civil Society and the State. Mosaic Books: New Delhi


For more detailed webinar report: Click here

For webinar recording: Click here