16-Mar-2021 to 16-Mar-2021
PRIA Office

“It is essential that one should continuously evaluate their own work and use the learnings to further improve the work, in a positive feedback loop.” —Dr. Tandon, PRIA President.


On March 16, 2021, a learning seminar was organised at PRIA’S head office by Senior Program Officer, Nikita Rakhiyani on the topic “A Walk From Self To Society”, with PRIA staff members in attendance.

The Youth-n-Democracy (YnD) campaign was launched by PRIA in 2017 to engage and promote youth participation in #DemocracyInEverydayLife.

The aim of the seminar was to present the evaluation of the Youth-N-Democracy campaign analyzing the campaign using the NVivo software. Participants were oriented about the software. The presentation provided an information on the context for the YnD program including the use of NVivo software. A brief information on the key elements of the software was also presented along with an analyses of the entire campaign research.

Finally the presentation was followed by a discussion and question–answer session.

Discussion took place concerning the need of the hour to use the NVivo software in more efficient and better manner. On that note, closing remarks were provided by Dr. Rajesh Tandon, PRIA's Founder-President saying “It is essential that one should evaluate their own work and work on themselves."

He stressed on the need for a rigorous engagement and effective use of the NVivo software.

Update prepared by Aaroshi Bidhuri, Intern, Communication and Engagement.