Dr. Rajesh Tandon gave a talk to a diverse group of businessmen, government officials, academics, NGOs and students on the symposium India of the Future organized by Enterprise Edmonton, a division of Edmonton Economic Development, in collaboration with the Edmonton Chapter of the Canadian International Council, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Dr. Tandon emphasized that India needs to resolve several of its dilemmas within the next decade, if it has to be able to move to a future of peace, prosperity and welfare of its citizens (see presentation at http://www.slideshare.net/PRIAIndia/salon-on-india-of-the-future-edmonton-canada)

He mentioned that the central government, under the leadership of the new Prime Minister NarendraModi, is beginning to address some of the challenges.

Design, capacity and systems of various public and regulatory institutions is an area of great weakness in India today, and Canadian institutions can contribute immensely in this regard.

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