During the past year, many committees and reports have happened on reforming higher education in India; several conferences on higher education reforms in India have been held. Many delegations of universities and higher education institutions have come to India from UK, USA, Australia, Canada and European Union seeking opportunities for collaborations and partnerships. One pattern that is common to all these discussions is the almost exclusive focus on programmes of teaching of technology and management. Is higher education reform only relevant to these two disciplines? Are international collaborations across institutions of higher education mainly concerned about courses in engineering and business?

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Yedukrishnan V

PRIA’s MobiliseHER team traveled to Bangalore during the week of June, 10 – 14, 2024. The aim of the visit was to gain relevant insights into the civil society ecosystem in Bangalore and meet different organisations to understand the city through a lens of gender and inclusive mobility.

Shruti Priya

Working at PRIA, often leads us to various cities across the country. Each trip is an opportunity to witness firsthand the challenges and triumphs of different communities.

Yedukrishnan V

Mr. Yedukrishnan V has recently joined PRIA after gaining valuable experience in the development sector. Drawing from his journey in the social sector and personal encounters in Kerala, he emphasises the importance of participatory governance and research in empowering marginalised communities.'