27-May-2024 to 31-May-2024
Interlaken, Switzerland

Dr. Rajesh Tandon has been invited to speak at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Global Research Council (GRC) which is being organised in Interlaken by the SNSF with FONSTI, the Ivory Coast’s national funder from 27th to 31st May 2024.

The 12th Annual Meeting will focus on the topic of “sustainable research”, with the following three priority areas:

  • Research for Sustainable Development
  • Making research itself sustainable
  • Making sure sustainability science matters

The participating organisations of the GRC will adopt a Statement of Principles in Interlaken. This is a policy document with recommendations on sustainable research that all GRC 2024 participants will have agreed on. As one of the leading international funding organisations, the SNSF is committed within the GRC to more sustainable research. In this context, it is organising the GRC's 2024 annual meeting around this topic together with the Ivory Coast funding organisation, the Fonds pour la Science, la Technologie et l'Innovation (FONSTI). The cooperation between the two funding agencies is a result of the Declaration of Intent for in-depth cooperation signed in 2023.



Click here for the powerpoint presentation.