Nothing is important than having a positive sense of self-esteem and to love who we are. It is very important to develop a strong sense of self - a self who is confident, empowered and responsible. Loving and respecting ourselves helps in shaping our personality. Likewise leadership is equally important and it plays a crucial role in reinforcing our viewpoint in more impactful manner.

After the previous sessions, it was important to conduct session on self. This session was focused on respecting oneself because then only we can respect others and see them with dignity. Major components of the session were: Being confident in one’s ability, Promoting creativity, taking responsibility and making appropriate decisions. In the session art based method has been used. Participants themselves made self-esteem tree, each leaf of tree represented one participant quality for which they are proud of. They wrote their best quality (according to them) on the leaves and stuck them on the self-esteem tree.

It’s a tendency that we generally ignore our qualities and thinks it does not make us special. We from our childhood because of our socialisation wait for approval of others. We think we can only be good enough when others will appreciate us and in this whole process we forget to appreciate ourselves.

After the activity they were asked how was the session, how much they liked it”, to which Shiristy from GGSSS, Kakrola replied "It was nice and after so long I have appreciated myself”. Another girl named Prachi from GGSSS, Kakrola said “the activity was very positive and fun also, through this activity we thought about ourselves. It also has given us reason to respect ourselves and others because of talents we have.”