Based on the learnings from the first year, a five-step strategy was adopted to implement the project in the second year. The five step model was implemented in the field in all three districts. The processes we followed in each community were organic, local and specific to the context.

•Ice Breaking -- initital discussion around work and locality, and getting a sense of their daily life
•Participatory Safety Assessment -- Focussed group discussion on challenges workers face and preparing a safety map of thier locality and work spaces
•Problem Tree -- building collective understanding on workers issues and problems; discussion around the root cause of the problem
•Working Together -- collective planning of the intervention plan and implementing the social action plan as prepared by the workers
•Discussion and Sensitization -- Training organised on SHW Act and other public safety issues

The women’s perspectives on the issues was built through a series of discussions with them, using the tools of participatory safety assessment and problem tree analysis. They were also made aware of the law and redressal mechanism as per the law.

The mapping exercise conduced in Year 1 had indicated how little awareness the women had about their settlement. They were unable to provide a description of the area surrounding their home including not knowing the name of the locality their workplace was situated in. A transect walk exercise facilitated by the project team along with women from the helped them get better acquainted with where they live. Problem tree sessions were planned to let the women understand their problems and its root cause, following which a participatory analysis session was facilitated with the women on the different issues that were reflected on the map.

What is the daily journey of a woman domestic worker? Watch this video: