One of the most important provisions of Swachch Bharat Mission (SBM) is the incorporation of Rapid Action Learning Units (RALUs) at district, state and national levels. As per guidelines, RALUs are tasked with studying and analysing action taken across the country under SBM, evaluating their impact, identifying good practices for scaling up, finding out problematic areas and alerting people on these issues, and suggesting innovations and a range of options for improved implementation. The Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Government of India has already constituted a national RALU with laid-down terms of references. However, similar efforts at state and district levels have not been reported so far.

RALUs are supposed to be institutional mechanisms to promote and sustain learning for finding out ‘what works and what does not’ and ‘what to improve and how’. These learnings are to be based upon actual processes at the grassroots and at institutional levels. PRIA has been working in Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh to engage citizens and their institutions effectively in services related to water and sanitation. PRIA visualizes RALU as a game-changer provided this mechanism is sincerely and innovatively used to continuously learn and improve actions.

Under this project PRIA will document and provide suggestions to the advisory committees of the Government of Chhattisgarh on improved sanitation and a clean environment through SBM.


1. Documentation of Innovations:
Since a large number of stakeholders are engaged in the current phase of SBM in rural areas and are promoting various practices, some of which are expected to be real innovations, it is important to document these practices. PRIA will identify such practices and strengthen RALUs in these two states to document them.

2. Citizens’ Monitoring:
Citizens’ monitoring is different from administrative monitoring of the programme. Participatory citizen monitoring helps in assessing the progress of service deliveries. It also provides real time and specific information on problems in programme delivery. SBM in rural areas is being implemented in about 20,000 villages across 27 districts, the scale of interventions is quite large. PRIA will facilitate real time regular monitoring through collaborative efforts among citizens and different agencies of the state.

3. Research and Analysis:
PRIA will facilitate participatory research to find answers to systemic questions, such as how to change behaviour of communities, how to incentivize communities in self-driving sanitation agenda, do toilet subsidies work effectively, etc.

4. Systematization and Communication:
All information elicited and/or compiled in the state or outside the state will be systematized in usable forms for use by ordinary people. Specific information will be communicated to relevant agencies. RALU will be facilitated to use all possible modes and methods of communications (conventional and social media) to disseminate information to appropriate users. RALU will convene regional and state level consultations to share the learnings and progress. Such consultations will also help RALU generate additional inputs for improving SBM implementation

The nature of the project is to enhance rapid action and learning. It envisages working on documenting innovations and on documenting what has not worked. The learning documents prepared will be shared with the RALU advisory committee to enhance impact. By this approach, these documents will impact both local level communities in each state and the implementing agencies of the state.

Geographical Spread 

Methodology / Key components 
The project aims at doing research to assess and evaluate existing sanitation practices. RALU will play an important role as a secretariat for the state advisory committee under the aegis of the State Planning Commission and SBM directorate.

Key outputs / Deliverables 
• At least 10 best practices/innovations (including failures) on sanitation from Chhattisgarh documented and disseminated.
• At least 2 issues of social-systematic importance are researched and their reports are made available to the advisory committee, SBM Directorate, State Planning Commission and public at large for appropriate use.
• All innovations, progress reports and research reports will be systematized in demystified language and usable content. RALU will extensively use available conventional and social media platforms to disseminate packaged information.
• RALU will organize periodic meetings with different groups at state level to share learnings and experiences.
• Regular updates on social media, e-copies of information packs will be available on websites

Quantitative Results
• 10 best practices/innovations documented
• 3 nodal universities and colleges identified
• 2 issues of social systematic importance researched
• 2 consultations on sharing experiences
• 1 state level consultation
• 2 newsletters (in Hindi and English respectively)

Qualitative Results
• Findings are shared with the advisory committee in the state
• Documented findings are used to influence changes in SBM

October 01, 2015 to March 31, 2016

Water Aid, India