Commitments of the government to safeguard the rights of children have been reaffirmed through The National Policy for Children, 2013 opening news doors for ensuring child rights. Recognising the influence of local actors on the lives of children, the UN-CRC and the National Policy for Children in India have linked children’s rights to panchayats, which are the democratically elected and constitutionally mandated, local governments in rural areas.

A closer look at the data available with respect to local bodies and child rights reveals the absence of necessary information that can guide local governing bodies like panchayats to ensure the rights of children. As a step to address this situation, PRIA in consultation with UNICEF, NIRD and CESS is developing a manual to build capacity of panchayati raj institutions to play an active role in securing the rights of children.

The proposed manual will support panchayat members by acting as a guide in their work to ensure child rights and bring about real changes at the grassroots level. This manual can be used to train panchayat representatives and build their capacities for successful delivery of their roles and responsibilities in relation to child rights, building awareness and sensitivity among them on the rights of children, and develop greater understanding of the need and methods for protection of child rights. The manual will also consolidate success stories of panchayati raj institutions from the field, which have been able to positively contribute in ensuring child rights. These case studies will hopefully motivate panchayat representatives in Andhra Pradesh.

The  manual is intended to be used by:
(i) training institutions to train panchayat elected representatives
(ii) panchayat elected members to facilitate relevant and appropriate practices for protection of rights of children in their panchayats

To prepare a training manual for training institutions to build capacity of elected representatives of panchayats in terms of securing child rights.

Specific Target Groups  
Elected representatives of panchayats and training institutions in the state

Geographical Spread 
To be used by all the panchayats in Andhra Pradesh

Key outputs / Deliverables 
• Documented case studies from 5 states
• A training manual to build capacity of panchayati

October 2015 to December 2015
