12-Nov-2013 to 13-Nov-2013
Making Statutory Institutions Vibrant, Responsive and Accountable (Study of Institutional Structures for Safeguarding Socio-Economic Interests and Rights of the Socially Excluded)

The Constitution of India guarantees equality of opportunity to all its citizens; yet, historical discriminations against communities, especially women, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes, people with different abilities, religious minorities, etc. have continued in independent India. These processes of marginalization and exclusion have prompted innumerable government schemes and programmes for the socio-economic advancement of these communities. As it began to become clear to planners and political leaders that members of excluded communities were still unable to claim their rights and continued to be discriminated against, statutory commissions were set up at the national and state levels to protect these communities.

PRIA is engaged in a study entitled ‘Making Statutory Institutions Vibrant, Responsive and Accountable’ through which institutional analysis of the institutions that are established for safeguarding of socio-economic interests and rights of socially marginalized people and community is being done. This study is a part of Poorest Area Civil Society (PACS) programme that is currently going on in seven states - Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal - of India. A wide range of participatory research methods which generate quantitative and qualitative data from primary and secondary sources will be used to secure critical reflections on these institutions.

Key objectives of the present study are:


PRIA, in collaboration with National office of PACS programme, is organising state consultations after developing the reports of 5 key statutory institutions of the states selected under PACS programme. These reports have been developed after desk reviews and field visits. In this phase if focus on getting views from a cross section of stakeholders, including government representatives, is aimed at scoping recommendations, solutions and early partnerships for the future campaign. Dates of State Consultations in different states are as follows –


State Commission for Scheduled Castes State Commission for Minorities State Commission for Women
12 November, 2013 12 November, 2013 13 November, 2013