09-Jul-2014 to 09-Jul-2014
Sahibganj, Jharkhand
Sub National

Arsenic contamination is one of key problems related to water quality in Sahibganj, Jharkhand. Arghyam and PRIA did a rapid reconnaissance survey during September 2012, in Sahibganj, to assess the ground situation in Sahibganj and lay out a suitable entry strategy for Jharkhand. During the reconnaissance it was realised that the poor water and sanitation (WATSAN) status in Sahibganj is a combination of governance issues, weak and nascent village/Gram Panchayat (GP) level institutions and low community participation.

Keeping all these issues in mind it was decided that a project with a title ‘Decentralised drinking water security in 6 Arsenic affected Gram Panchayats of Sahibganj district’ would be implemented. It was also decided that the project will use arsenic mitigation as an entry-point for field interventions but will eventually attempt to address the larger issue of water security by improving WATSAN governance systems, through targeted communication, promoting appropriate technologies, and developing capacities of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) to manage systems. Specifically, the project aims to improve the water security (in terms of quantity and quality) in 6 Gram Panchayats (GPs) of 2 arsenic affected blocks (Udhwa and Mandro) in Sahibganj. In line with the broader definition of water security, the Project will also seek to facilitate access to improved sanitation in these 6 GPs. The idea was to develop a broader menu of safe drinking water options, add complementarity to Drinking Water & Sanitation Department (DW&SD), Governmnet of Jharkhand’s (GoJ) initiatives in Sahibganj and help widen its impact by increasing the outreach of services.

One of the key activities of the project was to conduct a base line survey to understand three important dimensions related to water security plans. These are –

Base line survey was done in the selected GPs during December 2013 – January 2014. In all 736 questionnaires from the 6 GPs were filled. These questionnaires were filled at the housed level. Focus Group Discussions were also organised to understand the community level issues. Discussions were also held with elected representatives of PRIs, Jal Sahiyas, government officials laced at the GP level to know their views on water security plans.

The draft report, based on the field work, was shared in all the 6 GPs during 10-12 March 2014 and at the Block level during 25-26 March. On the basis of the feedback received during block level sharing and the water quality tests the report is ready to be shared with the district level officials. The sharing would be done on 9th July at the Vikas Bhawan, Sahibganj.

The objectives of the district level sharing are

District level officials like District Collector, Deputy Development Commissioner (DDC), Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of District Rural Development Agency (DRDA), Executive Engineer (Ex. En.) of the DW&SD, President of Zila Panchayat, Mukhiya of all the 6 GPs, Jal Sahiya and representatives of the NGOs will be participating in the programme.