Sports camps for community youth were facilitated by youth members of youth clubs in 5 villages of Sonipat. These camps, sports was used as a medium to generate discussions and create awareness on ‘gender discrimination and violence against women/girls’. These camps gave the platform to boys and girls to play together and communicate with each other.

The camps were organised to support youth to deal with gender issues in everyday life in a broad sense; dealing with gender stereotypes, gender differences, women’s rights and freedom, sexual harassment and the importance of a gender-just society. All these concepts are delivered through activities, with sports taking the center stage. The sporting activities are designed to bring the participants together and create a space in which they can discuss and debate their problems, clear their doubts and understand their rights.  

Apart from gender issues, these camps also helped youth to understand the importance of other soft skills like leadership, teamwork, communication, confidence, focus and concentration, sense of identity, rule-following, empathy and self-discipline.