Women domestic workers gathered at the PRIA office to celebrate their journey with one another and with us. On January 7, 2022, the women of the group took time off from their jobs to visit the PRIA office. A total of 22 women domestic employees from Gurugram's Harijan Basti came to share their experiences with women domestic workers from Delhi, Faridabad, and Panipat.

The one-day workshop was full of sharing of dreams, aspirations, laughter, and hope. Akhilima (woman domestic worker and field animator) shared her story and said, “I still get tears in my eyes if I recall what I have done in the past 9-10 months. It has been the most beautiful time. I started believing myself and my abilities.”

Another woman domestic worker Sonia added, “I always waited for permission from my husband but today I announced that I am going to Delhi office with my friends to attend the meeting. This courage was somewhere hidden in me, and this one-year journey has pushed me for gather more and more courage for myself.”

All the woman domestic workers shared their journey and most of them talked about self-confidence and self- dependence after joining the group. Sopfia, a young domestic worker added “I am the youngest in the group but when I meet these women, I never felt they are 20-25 years elder to me. We all are friends here.”

Women also talked about their group's business idea, which is to start cloud kitchen services and make handcrafted bags and handbags. Other domestic workers workers shared their opinions and talk about their experiences. Rajni, a 52-year-old domestic worker from West Delhi, spoke about her 25 years of cooking experience. She gave the women of Harijan basti some expert advice on how to start a cloud kitchen.

Gudiya from South Delhi spoke with the women some marketing ideas that can help them promote their businesses.

The women domestic workers formed a strong camaraderie, with everyone listening to and respecting one other's opinions and thoughts.

In the second half of the workshop, women domestic workers watched the movie ‘Queen’ and had tea-time discussion over the movie. The idea behind showing the movie is to keep the conversation light but reflective. Women enjoyed the movie a lot and related themselves with the protagonist.

“This day was not a typical meeting day. Today we enjoyed also. This day was for us.”, said Sudha.

“I am happy to be part of this group because it gives me strength. I have learnt many things from the group. After one meeting, I stepped out for opening my own bank account. I also stop my husband now if he misbehaves with me.” Said Kokila a woman domestic worker from Harijan basti.