In recent years, issues of bullying and sexual harassment at workplace have begun to gain much attention. Regulatory frameworks for prevention of such practices in formal organisations have been legislated and enforced. But, subtle and invisible forms of gender discrimination may continue even when attention to visible transgressions is given by organisational leadership. This, despite the fact that over the past two decades, several practitioners and scholars have begun to explore how organisations can become gender transformational themselves. PRIA’s own efforts at gender mainstreaming institutionally grew out of a realisation that mere sensitisation of individuals and leaders was not enough. Hidden power arrangements, and tacit acceptance of inequality tend to perpetuate deep-rooted prejudices and unequal gender relations. Organisation renewal and development (OD) approaches must integrate gender perspective in theory and practice, placing emphasis on gender transformational organisational systems, rules, culture and everyday practices. Ahead of PRIA’s fortieth-anniversary celebrations, a Samvad conversation on Gender-Transformational Organisational Renewal: Towards Gender Equality was held on 01 November 2021, organised in partnership with UN Women and Martha Farrell Foundation. In this conversation, we invite you to reflect with our panelists (below) on the following questions:


Click here for the webinar recording