CYAN & G-Watch, Philippines; Institute of Social and Policy Sciences (I-SAPS), Pakistan; IID, Bangladesh




01-Jul-2021 to 01-Jun-2024


Our Focus

Oxfam IBIS spearheaded the Education Out Loud (EOL) program, a pivotal initiative funded by the Global Partnership for Education and overseen by the Regional Management Unit (RMU) for the Asia Pacific Region. Designed to fortify civil society engagement and foster transparency and accountability within education policies, the program operated through three distinct operational components (OCs): OC1, OC2, and OC3. Under the auspices of RMU, a series of learning exchanges and capacity-building initiatives were orchestrated for OC1 and OC2 partners across South Asia and South-East Asian sub-regions. Notably, PRIA International (PI) collaborated on a blended learning endeavor tailored for OC2 grantees, blending online courses with face-to-face workshops.

The overarching aim was to bolster partners' capacities, empowering them to influence education policies catering to community needs.

Amidst these initiatives, a compelling proposal arose to systematise the social accountability mechanisms employed by current EOL OC2 partners. The study's objectives encompassed a comprehensive analysis of accountability approaches, the development of a comprehensive 'Learning Pack' delineating methods, and the crafting of a succinct 'Learning Brief' encapsulating impacts and distilled lessons. This endeavor embraced a participatory co-construction methodology, characterised by close collaboration between partners and researchers in delineating research inquiries, methodologies, and outcomes.

The study journeyed through a series of meticulously orchestrated steps, commencing with a thorough review of secondary documents. Subsequent scoping sessions with partners informed the formulation of frameworks, setting the stage for a series of immersive online workshops. These workshops served as crucibles for delving into key research questions, culminating in the drafting of case studies and learning materials, ultimately polished to perfection for dissemination.

Outcomes - 

Yet, amidst these triumphs, civil society organizations grappled with many challenges in advocating for social accountability and transparency in education governance across the three countries. These included limited capacities within civil society, unfamiliarity with non-confrontational procedural policy influencing techniques, and the specter of corruption that tarnished trust in governmental institutions.

In the crucible of these challenges, civil society organizations in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and the Philippines have emerged as stalwart champions of social accountability within education governance. Empowering local communities, amplifying marginalized voices, and engaging in relentless policy advocacy, these organisations have become beacons of transparency, accountability, and inclusivity within the education sector, paving the way for a brighter and more equitable future for all.