Women Domestic Workers


Panipat & Gurgaon


01-Jul-2021 to 01-Mar-2022


Creating a sustainable means for women domestic workers to fulfill their dreams and lead dignified lives

Our Focus

Access to information about health related services

Access to entitlements and services as citizens, as women, as workers

Building linkages of women domestic workers with governance systems for protection and redressal of domestic violence

Building capacities of women domestic workers for establishing a sustainable Self-Help Group.

Domestic workers across India were amongst the most disadvantaged sections as several Indian states returned to lockdown conditions. The almost complete collapse of the health system with shortages of oxygen beds, ICU equipment and even crematoria consumed everyone’s attention so much so that needs and rights of women in the informal economy, majority of whom lost their livelihoods overnight and lacked any protection, were left unrecognized and uncared for.

The aim of this project is to set up a community support centre for women domestic workers and their daughters in Panipat, Haryana. The project will work towards facilitating the needs of domestic workers through the following dimensions: 

The project team will be working with domestic workers towards knowledge generation, awareness generation, capacity building  and skill building. The ultimate purpose of this endeavour is to create a sustainable means through which these women can fulfil their dreams, lead a life of dignity and become agents of change in their communities.

